1·The names of securities registration and settlement organizations shall include "securities registration and settlement."
2·Once your base is secure, your best bet is to rush to each newly threatened settlement and destroy the Zerg Virophage before it can fully infest the settlement.
3·Ariel, the fourth-largest settlement in the West Bank, is considered by most Israelis as one of the "settlement blocs" that will be annexed to Israel in a peace deal.
4·He said the plan includes 350 apartments in Givat Ze 'ev, a West Bank settlement near Jerusalem, and 750 homes in Pisgat Ze 'ev, a settlement in East Jerusalem.
5·"As to settlement activity, we continue to state America's position that settlement activity should stop - that its expansion should stop," said Rice.
6·The Northern Plymouth settlement in Maine faltered and was abandoned, however the London company established the Jamestown settlement in 1606.
7·It forbade settlement on Indian territory, ordered those settlers already there to withdraw, and strictly limited future settlement.
8·When a settlement agreement is reached by conciliation, the arbitration tribunal shall prepare the conciliation statement or the award on the basis of the results of the settlement agreement.
9·Can turn your heroes into lords if you have an extra custom settlement for them and your settlement is a Castle Town.
10·Open account strictly in the light of stipulations on Modes of Payment and settlement and ensure normal operation of settlement affairs by adhering to settlement discipline of bank.